Mrs. Catherine McKee, p. 1077

MRS. CATHERINE McKEE. Hugh McKee (deceased) was a son of John and Mary (Seaborn) McKee, who were natives of eastern Pennsylvania and who moved many years ago to Westmoreland county, Penn., where they died. The father was a soldier of the Revolution, and also participated in the war of 1812. They were the parents of ten children.

Hugh McKee was born in 1800, in Chambersburgh, Franklin Co., Penn., and coming with his parents to Westmoreland county, Penn., was there reared and educated. On January 29, 1829, he was united in marriage with Catherine Lutz, a native of eastern Pennsylvania, and daughter of Martin and Catherine (Cline) Lutz. Her parents were born in eastern Pennsylvania, and came to Westmoreland county in an early day. Mr. and Mrs. McKee resided on the home place until 1837, when they moved to Washington county, Penn., and in 1842 bought 150 acres of the "Dixon place," and sold fifty acres.

In politics Mr. Hugh McKee was actively identified with the Democratic party, and in religion he and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. Their children were as follows: Margaret (wife of Richard Ward, was born in 1832), John, Anna, Thomas, Mary (wife of Jehu Dunlevy), Anna (married to James Bailey), Sarah Jane (wife of Bartemus Dunlevy), Catherine, and Ephraim (who was married to Annie, daughter of John Sphar). The children of this family are all now deceased, and the father passed away January 3, 1886. Mrs. McKee, who is now the only living representative of the family, is living on the home farm in Allen township.

Text taken from page 1077 of:
Beers, J. H. and Co., Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1893).

Transcribed March 1997 by Neil and Marilyn Morton of Oswego, IL as part of the Beers Project.
Published March 1997 on the Washington County, PA USGenWeb pages at

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