Samuel A. DAY's Scrapbook
Obituary of Caroline DUNN DAY, Wife of
J. Wiley DAYThe following information was submitted and transcribed by Elizabeth for inclusion in the genealogy articles section for Washington Co., PA web site in May 1999. The information comes from SAMUEL ADDISON DAY'S SCRAPBOOK, the great grandfather of Elizabeth. Samuel Addison DAY was the son of Samuel DAY and Hannah COOPER of Washington Co. Pa. J.Wiley DAY was Caroline DUNN DAY's husband and the brother of Samuel A. DAY.
Elizabeth writes:
[Source: Obit in hand, newspaper unknown.]
February 3rd, 1874, of ____at the residence of her husband, J. W. DAY, in Morris township, of this county, Mrs. CAROLINE DAY, in her 35th year.
"A woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." This excellent young mother was called away from the society of an interesting family. To die was gain in her case, and it is in the power of her husband and children to realize at no distant day that "the grave has lost its victory." She professed faith during a revival meeting in West Union C. P. Church, under the ministry of Rev. S. WINGET, and remained a faithful member of this church. She was very pious and unobtrusive in her manners. "She opened her mouth with wisdom, and her tongue was the law of kindness." She cannot be reproached for harshness or insincerity by her neighbors, but a grateful expression of her kind acts and consideration for the comfort and happiness of others is granted by all. The progress and success of Christ's cause was of absorbing interest to her, and her hope was that those she loved would be induced to secure their interest in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Her faith in her spiritual change did not wane or waiver, but grew stronger under trial until the last step of her pilgrimage. Many of her friends enjoyed a pleasant interview with her the Sabbath previous to her death. A decided answer was given in humble spirit of her loving trust in the Redeemer. She expected death, but with fearless fortitude. Sustaining grace was afforded to her, and she talked as calmly of death as if she was about to take a pleasant journey. And so it has proved. She now "sees God face to face," has entered into the joy of her Lord," "knows as she is known," and is "like Him." Doubtless she realizes the fulfillment of the Christian's hope, "I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness." Her friends cannot otherwise than miss her. Those who knew her as schoolmate, bride, mother, and friend will miss her loyal friendship and Christian sympathy. When such dear ones go to the place prepared for them, it makes Heaven more attractive and precious. We should all strive to enter in.
[Note: Carolyn DAY's maiden name was Carolyn DUNN born 1839, married J. Wiley DAY in 1863]