Davis Wills 

The following transcription was submitted by Rebecca Davis Pauley of Washington, Pennsylvania for inclusion at the Genealogy in Washington Co., PA web site in May 2000.


         It being my desire, I do appoint Dr. Charles Wheeler and William

        Taylor both of Washington Co., Pennsylvania to conduct, and dispose

        of such goods & chattels I may dis_ _ _ _  of in order to defray all my

        lawful debts and expences, which being fulfilled by them it is my desire

        that any residue of Cash more or less shall be given to William Willson

        of the Town of Washington, Washington Co., Pa., the remainder of my

        personal property and a lot in the Town of Waynesburgh. I leave to

        William Davis Willson, son of the above William excepting my bed and

        clothes belonging to Sidney Willson, also my gun and sash I bequeath to

        Elenor Willson as witness my hand this 19 day of January 1813.

        Rt. Davis     Witness: Ebenezer Major & Nathan Byle

        Written 12 Jan 1813; registered 26 March A.D.1813, Isaac Kerr, Register

1821 WILL OF JOSHUA DAVIS, deceased.


        I, JOSHUA DAVIS of Pike Run township, Washington County and State

        of Pennsylvania being weak in body but of sound mind and memory

        and being mindfull of the uncertainty of this life do make constitute

        and ordain this my last will and Testement.


        First  It is my desire that my just debts and funeral charges be punc-

        tually and first of all paid.  Secondly I bequeath all my property &

        outstanding debts to my son MILES on his paying the following legacies

        viz  To my daughter HANNAH Twenty dollars also to my daughter in law

        my son Joshua's wife ELIZABETH the sum of Twenty dollars at expiration

        of seven years. And I appoint AMOS GRIFFITH of Pike run Township

        County and State aforesaid as Trustee to receive said legacies and

        THOMAS BOWEN, Bedford County State of Pennsylvania and JOHN

        LEWIS Knox County State of Ohio to receive the same from Amos

        Griffith and apply as occasion may require. Also I bequeath to my son

        DANIEL all my interest in the North West quarter of section No eleven in

        Township No six of Range No Five in the district of lands offered for sale

        at Marietta, State of Ohio. My other children, RUTH, JOHN, MARMADUKE,

        WILLIAM, JACOB & JOSHUA, being other ways provided for. Lastly, I

        make and constitute my sons MILES and DANIEL DAVIS to be the sole

        Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking & utterly

        disannulling all former Wills by me made or Executors names, ratifying

        and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In

        Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day of

        the eighth month in the year, one Thousand eight hundred & twenty one.

        Published pronounced and declared                   Joshua  X  Davis, his mark.

        by the said Joshua Davis to be his last Will and Testament in the presence

        of us who in his presence and that of each other have subscribed our names



        Registered and Compared with Original August 28th A.D. 1821

        Sam'l Cunningham, Deputy Register


1822    WILL OF DAVID DAVIS, dec'd            Will Book No. 3, pg 534-535


        In the name of God amen I DAVID DAVIS of Washington County

        and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania being weak in body of a sound

        mind and memory Blessed by almighty God for the same to make and

        publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following,

        that is to say, First I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife ELIZABETH

        DAVIS, one Horse, one Cow and one bed and beding Such as she may

        choose and after my debts are paid to have the whole of my Real and

        personal estate, except the bottom that my son GEORGE has cleared

        which he is to have four years from the first of April next for the clearing;

        my real estate she may either have farmed or rented as She may think

        most to her advantage untill my Son WASHINGTON is eighteen years of

        age, then my real and personal Estate to be sold and the Money to be

        devided between all my children except DAVID, NANCY, and GEORGE,

        who have all got something that they each have fifty Dollars less then the

        Prest (sic) of my children, that is ELIZABETH, THOMAS, ELIJAH,

        REBEKAH, POLLY, AMON, ELSA and WASHINGTON have fifty dollars   

        each, and the residue and Remainder of my estate of what kind and nature

        Soever Equally devided between all my children. And if my beloved Wife

        should remain my Widdow at the Sale of my Real Estate the heirs to be

        bound to provide for hir (sic) a comfortable living during hir (sic) natural

        life, But if she marrys before my son WASHINGTON is eighteen years of

        age then my property to be sold and disposed of as above directed.---

        and lastly I do hereby nominate Constitute and appoint my son DAVID

        DAVIS and my Son in law GEORGE POAG Executors of this my last

        Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made. ---

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto Set my hand and seal this

        Eighteenth of October one thousand eight hundred and twenty two.----


        Signed sealed published and declared by the_________David Davis (seal)

        above named David Davis to be his last Will and Testament in the presense

        of us who have hereunto Subscribed our names as Witnesses in the

        presence of the testator. GEORGE PLUMMER  GAIWN SHAW ----

        Washington County SS. Be it remembered that on the Sixth day of Feb.

        A.D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty three, Before me Sam'l

        Cunningham Deputy Register for the probate of Wills and granting letters

        of Administration in  and for the said County Came GEORGE PLUMMER

        GAWIN SHAW the subscribing Witnesses to the Within last Will and

        Testament of David Davis deceased who on their Solemn oaths repectively

        do say that they were present and did see and hear, David Davis the

        testator thereof Sign Seal publish and pronounce and declare the Same as

        and for his last Will and testament And that at the time of his so doing he

        was of sound and disposing mind memory and understand to the best of

        their knowledge observation and belief.

        And Sworn to and Subscribed................................Geo Plummer

        before me.---------Sam'l Cunningham Deputy Regr---------Gaiwn Shaw

        Registered and Compared with original Februay (sic) 6th 1823

        For resignation of David Davis, see Will Book No. 5, page 61

        July 16th 1834 Letters Testamentory with copy of the will and probate

        annexed issued to George Poag, one of the executors therein (the other

        having resigned) who on same day was duly sworn. JONATHAN GRAYSON,



1823 SAMUEL DAVIS               Will Book 3, pg 524


        Will of Samuel)  In the name of God amen, I Samuel Davis Sr. of Finley

        Davis, dec'd)   Township Washington County & State of Pennsylvania being

        sick and weak in body but of sound mind memory and understanding

        (praised be God for it) and considering the certainty of death and the

        uncertainty of the time thereof, and to the end that I may be the better

        prepared to leave this World, whenever it should please God to call me

        hence, do therefore make and declare this my last Will and testament

        in manner following, that is to say, first and principally I commend my

        Soul into the hands of God who gave it, hoping for a free pardon and re-

        mission of all my Sins, and to enjoy everlasting happiness in the heavenly

        kingdom thro Jesus Christ my Saviour; my body I commit to the earth at

        the discretion of my after named Executors.------I Will that all my Just

        debts and funeral Expences, and all charges touching the proving of or

        otherwise concerning this my last Will Shall in the first place out of my

        personal estate and effects be fully paid. & Satisfied as soon as money

        can be collected or made from the proceeds of a publick Sale of my said

        personal estate by my Executors.---and from and after payment thereof

        and Subject thereto then my last will, is that my real Estate Shall be

        Impartially appraised by three men, viz. JOHN MCCOY, WILLIAM DANLEY,

        JR AND JAMES DAVIDSON which shall be divided into three parts viz. the

        Improvement on which I now live including my mansion house to contain

        about one hundred and thirty acres which I Will and devise to my son

        WILLIAM, the hill place whereon my son SAMUEL lives, I allow to contain

        about Seventy acres I Will and Devise to my son SAMUEL-----the place

        whereon my Son THOMAS Lives, Supposed to contain about one hundred

        acres I will and devise to my son Thomas, Subject to the provision herein

        after mentioned--------Be it understood nevertheless, that I Will that my

        Sons, THOMAS, RICHARD, SAMUEL and WILLIAM, and my Daughters,

        SALLY Shall be made equal Sharers of all my Real estate &c. That is

        those of them to whom I devise my real Estate, Shall pay to those to whom

        I devise no real estate a sum or sums that Shall make them equal in Shares

        and I Will and devise unto my Son JOSHUA the sum of one dollar, and to

        my daughter NANCY OLDHAM a horse worth Sixty dollars, of the horses

        I leave and no more & further be it understood that if my Son THOMAS will

        not be able to pay the surplus over his share in the land to him devised to

        to the legatees who may not then be made equal Sharers within the term

        of three years from the Said appraisement of the real estate which shall be

        as soon it shall be asertained by my Executors whether my personal pro-

        perty shall Satisfy my Just debts &c. then in such cases of Said disability

        to pay Sd. Legatees, by my Son THOMAS the said one hundred acres

        Shall be sold, and the said shares made Equal himself being one the said

        JOSHUA, NANCY, & RACHEL  excluded except as is for them otherwise

        provided. and I devise unto my Daughter RACHEL LAWRENCE the sum

        of one Dollar and no more. It is now also my Will the same time Shall  be

        Given, or allowed to WILLIAM my son as I allow to THOMAS to pay the

        ballance in his hands to the other Legatees, vis that he have one year

        from said appraisment, before he pay any payment and then to make it

        in two yearly payments thereafter. And I Will and Devise that my beloved

        Wife MARY Shall have the possession of my dwelling house together with

        any Part of Kitchen furniture that She may see proper to reserve for her own

        use & comfort, one Good riding, & Saddle, and two Cows and the beds

        and bedding belonging to the house, and my son WILLIAM Shall render

        unto her a comfortable Support during her Natural Life if She Should Survive

        him She is still to be Supported by the proceeds of Sd place together with

        the creatures above refered to in Summer and Winter.

        and I allow my Executors to attend to Giving and making a title to my Son

        JOSHUA agreeable to Survey made and also to JOHN JAMESON for Land

        sold him and I make and ordain my Son SAMUEL and JOHN MCCOY,

        Executors of this my Last Will and Testament. Hereby revoking all other

        Wills Legacies and bequests by me heretofore made and declaring this

        and no other to be my Last Will and Testatment. In Witness whereof I

        have hereto set my hand and Seal this eighteenth day of January in the

        Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three.

        Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared by the

        said testator as his last will and testament in presence of us who in his

        presence and at his request have subscribed as witnesses.            

                                                    Samuel Davis (Seal)

        DAVID FRAZIER, WILLIAM MCFARLAND, Washington County Ss.


        Registered 28 Janurary 1823 before Sam'l Cunningham Deputy Register

        Letters of Testamentary with copy of the Will and probate annexed issued

        to SAML. DAVIS and JOHN McCOY, Executors.

1830    JAMES DAVIS, Decd.              Will Book No. 4, pgs 499-500


        In the name of God Amen I James David (sic) of Washington County Penn-

sylvania do make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in

manner and form following,  Just I resign my soul into the hands of Almighty

God, hoping and believing in the remission of my sins through the merits and

meditation of Jesus Christ. And my worldly estate I give and devise as

follows. First I give and devise unto my loving wife CELIA my daughter POLLY

DAVIS (sic) and son EZEKIEL DAVID (sic) all my real and personal estate lying

and being in Hopewell township not herein otherwise disposed of share and

share alike during the natural life of my wife CELIA and from and after her

decease, I give and devise her share unto my daughter POLLY and son EZEKIEL

aforesaid and from and immediately after the decease or marriages of my

daughter POLLY.  I give and devise her share or share and one half as the

case may then be to my son EZEKIEL DAVIS (sic) his heirs and assigns forever

I also give and bequeath unto my daughter REBECCA FRANCIS a horse creature

worth worth (sic) fifty dollars. Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter

SARAH HAMILTON a young mare now in my possession named Betz. Also I give and

bequeath unto my daughter SUSAN CAROTHERS a young mare now in my possession

names Jin  I also give and bequeath unto my daughter ELIZA TWEED a grey mare

now in my possession   I also give and bequeath unto my son JOHN DAVIS fifty

dollars.  I also give and bequeath unto my daughter POLLY DAVIS, provided she

marry the bed bedstead chairs, bureau &c now in her possession or claimed by

her together with a horse worth fifty dollars and four hundred dollars to be

paid by my son Ezekiel Davis in four equal annual payments commencing six

months from the date of her marriage. My express will and desire is that my

wife Celia daughter Pollyand son Ezekiel shall dwell together as formerly.

Also that my son Ezekiel shall have the whole care and management of the farm

and out of doors personal property, for which extra care and management my

said wife and daughter shall allow and pay to him a sufficient recompense as

mutually agreed upon by the parties  my will is also that in case my son

Ezekiel should not survive his present illness or if he should die unmarried

or married and without issue previous to the decease of my wife Celia and

previous to the decease or marriage of my daughter Polly then and in such

case I give and devise his share excepting his wife's dower as the case may

be to my wife Celia and daughter Polly during the natural life of my wife

Celia and so long as my daughter Polly remains single or unmarried share and

share alike and at the decease or marriage of my daughter Polly if after the

decease of my son Ezekiel then and in such case the share and one half share

allotted to her I give and devise to my wife Celia and at the decease of my

wife Celia if after the death of my son Ezekiel I give and devise her share

as the case may be to my daughter Polly  And my will is also that at the

decease of my wife Celia if after the death or marriage of my daughter Polly

and after the death of my son Ezekiel then the share or shares allotted to

her to be equally divided amongst my four daughters and son JOHN and daughter

Polly if she is then married. And in case my daughter Polly should die

leaving no issue during the four gears (sic) in which she is entitled to the

four hundred dollars as above   my desire and will is that my son Eziekel or

wife Celia shall retain in his or her hands any part of the four hundred

dollars that may then remain unpaid. And now my express will and meaning is

and I do hereby order and appoint that if any difference or dispute shall

arise or happen concerning any gift matter or thing in this my will that then

no suit or suits in law or equity shall be brought or prosecuted for and

concerning the same but the same shall be referred sholly to the award and

determination of my friends THOMAS M. CALL  and DAVID CRAIG, Regr of West

Middletown or any other two or three persons to be mutually chosen by the

parties for such purpose and what they shall order direct  and determine

therein shall be binding and conclusive to the parties therein concerned  And

lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint JAMES M. FADDEN and my son Ezekiel

David (sic) to be executors of this my last will and testament. In Witness

whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 17th Feby 1830.

                                    James Davis (seal)


Signed sealed and published & declared in our presence

    Robert Lowry        James M. Fadden


Codicil:   Whereas I James Davis have made my last Will and Testament as

above now I do by this writing which I hereby declare to be a codicil to my

said will to be taken as a part thereof.  Will and direct that if in case my

daughter Polly Davis should survive my wife Celia and my son Ezekiel Davis

and die unmarried or married with issue then and in such case I will and

devise all my real estate aforesaid together with two thirds of my personal

estate unto my daughters REBECCA, SARAH, SUSAN, ELIZA and my son JOHN DAVIS

their heirs and assigns. And lastly it is my desire that this my present

codicil be annexed to and made a part of my last will and testament to all

intents and purposes. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal

this 27th July 1830.

Witnesses the same as for his Will)          James Davis (seal)


Registered on 23 March 1830, John Grayson, Reg'r

Probated on the same date for James Davis "dec'd"  -  how can that be when he

wrote out the Codicil in July of 1830??

1839    RHODA DAVIS, Dec'd                     Bk & pg not given.


        The last will and testament of Roda (sic) Davis of Somersett Township

Washington County Pennsylvania considering the uncertainty of this mortal

life and being of sound mind and memory Blessed be Almighty God for the same,

do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form

following that is to say I give and bequeath to my three youngest daughters


ground in the town of Beallsville to be sold and the proceeds to be equally

divided alike as they severally arive at the age of twenty one years or

otherwise they should get married my household and kitchen furniture and all

other property that may belong to me I desire to be sold by my executor as

soon as convenient after my deceass Except my wearing apparel which I wish

devided betwixt my four daughters the moveable property after sold I wish my

executor to pay out of the proceeds thereof all debts and demands together

with my funeral Expenses that may be left unpaid against me and the residue

if any after paying all expences to be divided equally amongst my four


MARIAH DAVIS  I hereby appoint JOHN FREEMAN Executor of this my last will and

Testament hereby revokeing all other wills by me made heretofore.  In

Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of May


                                            Rhoda Davis  (Seal)


Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of  SHESHB (sic) BENTLEY  CYRUS



Registered and compared July 22, 1839, J. GORDON, Regr.

1842    CHRISTOPHER DAVIS, DEC'D                Bk, pg not given.


        In the name of God amen, I Christopher Davis of West Middletown, Pa.

being weak in body but of sound and disposing memory and will do write and

ordain this my last will and testement as follows viz. After payment of my

just debts and funeral expences I give and bequeath to my son PETER DAVIS,

twenty dollars. To my son BAZELE DAVIS twenty dollars, to my son RICHARD

DAVIS twenty dollars. I give and bequeath to my daughter SARAH HENDERSON

fifty dollars under restrictions hereafter mentioned to my daughter MARTHA

PATTERSON fifty dollars under the same restrictions hereafter mentioned and

to my daughter HELEN SLEIBY (?) fifty dollars under the same restrictions and

to my daughter RACHEL DAVIS one hundred dollars under restrictions hereafter

mentioned. I give to my daughter CATHERINE SHRUGGS fifty dollars under the

same restrictions and to my daughter POLLY MILLER the remainder of my estate

of which kind soever supposed to amount to three hundred dollars or upwards

the increase to her as in expectation of her taking care of me while I live

and I hereby direct my executors hereinafter to be named to invest the money

and property left to my daughter POLLY in real estate in such place as they

may thing best for a home for her and her husband during their lives and at

their death to go to her children their heirs and assigns for ever and the

moneys left to all my other daughters. I direct my executors to keep at

interest and to pay them the interest during life annually but in case of

sickness of in the judgement of my executors it shall be thought best or

needful to pay over the principal in whole or in part to any of them they may

then do so. I hereby constitute and appoint THOMAS MCKEEVER and THOMAS J.

ODENBAUGH of West Middletown my Executors of this my last will and testament

hereby revoking all former wills . In witness whereof I have hereunto set my

hand and seal this 2nd day of August 1842.                                 

Signed, sealed and acknowledged by the                     Christopher  X

Davis (Seal)

testator to be his last will and testement

in the presents of us---JAMES HARDY-----J. D. MCGUGIN

Washington County Ss. Be it remembered that on the fifth day of October 1842,

Before me, JAMES BROWN, Deputy Reg'r for the probate of wills and granting

letters of Administration in and for said County came James Hardy and J.D.

McGugin, the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing last will and testement

of Christopher Davis deceased who being duly sworn as the law directs dipose

and say that they were personally present and did see the testator therein

named sign this will by putting his mark thereto and did hear him publish

pronounce and declare the same as and for his last will and testement that at

the time of his so doing he was of sound and disposing mind, memory and

understanding to the best of his knowledge observation and belief.

October 20th, 1842 Letters Testimentury with copy of will and probate annexed

issued to Thomas McKeever and Thomas J. Odonbaugh within named within named

who on same day were duly sworn.         George Morrison, Register

Registered and compared with original October 5, 1842.....George Morrison,



1851 WILLIAM DAVIS                  Bk, pg. not given.


        I William Davis of Washington County and township of Hanover do

hereby make and declare this to be my last will and testament. .....After the

payment of my just debts I dispose of my Estate as follows to wit:  I give

and bequeath to my dear and lov'd wife, Margaret (sic) item first the farm

(?) on which I now live for her use for the terms of ten years from my

decease, and for her support of the children;.....and also my wife to have

all the household and kitchen furniture.........and if my wife Margaret shall

die or marry, and I direct my Executor to sell the farm....but if she does

marry I allow her to take one third of household and kitchen

furniture.......Then, I give to my son JOHN DAVIS ten dollars......Then I

give to my son RUBILL, as follows; one hundred and fifty seven dollars one

year after he is married; the other seventy five in two years

after........And to my son, WILLIAM DAVIS I give fifty dollars, when he

arrives at the age of twenty-one......And to my son ANDREW DAVIS I give fifty

dollars when he arrives at the age of twenty-one.....Then I give and bequeath


hundred dollars each......Then I bequeath to my three daughters MARTHA ANN,

JANEY AND MARGARET three hundred dollars each. But if my wife Margaret at the

end of ten years remains a widow it would be better by her and the Executors

to live on the farm, and I direct my Executors not to sell the farm here

above mentioned but to remain for the support of my widow and children, so

long as she remains my widow or during her natural life.....I direct my

Executors to sell the above farm at my wife's death, or marriage and

distribute as herebefore mentioned......Furthermore I give and bequest my

wife Margaret one horse and saddle and three head of Cow cattle, and twelve

head of Sheep and all of the hoggs. ....Also, Vallon-Rupill Davis to have my

saddle and bridle to by tending to the beast til disposed of...Lastly, I

truely constitute and appoint my two friends JOHN HANNIN and BARNET MCDONNELL

Executors of this my last will and testament.....In testimony which I

hereunto set my hand and seal this twelth day of January. A.D. one thousand

eight hundred and fifty two.

                                            William Davis  (Seal)

In presence of JAMES MCCRACKEN


Registered 28 Feb 1852           JOHN GRAYSON, JR. Reg'r


1858    HESTER DAVIS, dec'd             Bk 8, pg 30-31


        I, Hester Davis of the town of Bellsville (Beallsville) in the county

of Washington and state of Pennsylvania, being of sound mind, memory and

understanding, do make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby

revoking and making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made. 

As to such estate as it hath pleased God to intrust me with, I dispose of the

same as follows.. viz: I give and bequeath to my two daughters MARTHA DAVIS

and MARY JANE DAVIS my entire estate, both real and personal, each to share

alike. And I do hereby constitute and appoint my said above named two

daughters, Martha and Mary Jane Davis my executrixes of this my last will and

testament.  I witness whereof, I, Hester Davis, the testator, have to this,

my last will and testament, set my hand and seal, this Sixth day of January,

A.D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight.

                                                Hester  X  Davis (Seal)


Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Hester Davis in the

presence of us, who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto,

in the presence of the said testator (and by her request) in the presence of

each other.

                                    Morgan Hartman       Samuel J. Rodgers


Probated February 13, 1858 before H. J. Vankirk, Register

Ltrs of Admin.  - Mary Jane Davis renounced; Martha received Lts. of



Genealogy in Washington County, Pennsylvania
Last updated: 01/20/2006